Meet Angus from HouseMe Legal. Angus uses conveyIT to manage his conveyancing workflow.

Angus works primarily with first home buyers and uses conveyIT on a daily
basis. He believes if you want to scale and grow your legal business, you need technology and conveyIT fits the bill perfectly for conveyancing matters.

Angus Grayson

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    Featured Case Study:HouseMe Legal

    A client story on Angus Grayson from HouseMe Legal

    HouseMe Legal are a legal service that make the process of buying, selling, and refinancing property simple for millennials in New Zealand. HouseMe Legal pride themselves on providing a flat rate, transparent legal service for buyers, sellers
    and homeowners.

    "If you’re looking to digitise, then conveyIT is the best for conveyancing"

    Angus works primarily with first home buyers and uses conveyIT on a daily
    basis. He believes if you want to scale and grow your legal business, you need technology and conveyIT fits the bill perfectly for conveyancing matters. Another bonus is quick and easy support.

    Angus says the software is reasonably intuitive and easy to use.

    Angus likes that you can see an overview of the multiple matters in the dashboard quickly and easily and there are checkpoints and reminders which helps with making sure things happen on time.

    He also likes that you can generate a settlement statement within a few clicks of the button and can populate letters with ease – drawing from the information you put in when you setup the client.

    “Leigh and Dean are very accommodating and very responsive to queries. If I’m after a new template or process, I can let them know what I’m after and they’ll edit the template or add improvements”.

    “We’d recommend conveyIT to other law firms as it’s fully digital and you can easily see an overview of all matters from the dashboard. The checkpoints and reminders are a huge bonus, especially if you’re currently doing this manually.”

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