Meet Fiona from Smith and Partners. Fiona uses conveyIT on a daily basis and says it’s streets ahead of the alternatives.

Fiona says: “I like the great customer support I receive, there’s no long wait times. You can email or phone with your query and they come back to you very quickly, either with the answer or forwarding it onto someone who can help you.”

Fiona Taylor

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    Featured Case Study:Smith and Partners

    A client story on Fiona Taylor from Smith and Partners

    Smith and Partners are the leading law firm in West Auckland providing legal advice in property law, business law, commercial property law, family law, employment law, civil and commercial litigation, estates, estate planning – wills & family trusts, debt collection and elder law. Smith and Partners pride themselves on providing the right advice for your situation and in plain English that you can easily understand.

    Fiona has been with Smith and Partners for 12 years and is a Senior Legal Executive. She’s been using conveyIT since she started with the firm and has seen it evolve to now being cloud-based. She uses conveyIT on a daily basis and says the software is streets ahead of the alternatives.

    "The settlement statement is the best document and saves a lot of time on settlement day” Fiona

    Fiona particularly likes that you can generate a settlement statement within a few clicks of the button. There’s a template wizard in the software that pulls all the necessary data for you. “It’s the best document and saves a lot of time on settlement day”.

    conveyIT also includes an email wizard which allows you to send documents to clients quickly and easily. There are predefined email templates which you can use or you can customise them.

    Fiona says, “We’ve personalised our email and document templates so they’re more closely aligned to how we’d phrase things – which makes using the software a more seamless experience for clients”. conveyIT also keep up with the latest legal requirements and automatically update the templates to match which saves a lot of time and money.

    "I like the great customer support I receive, there’s no long wait times, it’s like they’re just down the hall, in the same firm as us" Fiona

    conveyIT also offers support for all users – so if you’ve forgotten a process or need a quick reminder, you can quickly be connected with a real person and get the assistance you need. Fiona says: “I like the great customer support I receive, there’s no long wait times, it’s like they’re just down the hall, in the same firm as us. You can email or phone with your query and they come back to you very quickly, either with the answer (which sometimes I realise I did actually know!) or forwarding it onto someone who can help you.”

    If you’re looking for a software that integrates with your practice management system that will save you time (and money) with conveyancing – then conveyIT is the one to beat. Fiona said, “We’d recommend conveyIT to other firms who are wanting to improve their conveyancing workflow – we’ve been using it for 12 years and haven’t looked back”.

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